The Importance of Patience, Sequencing, and Value


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Show Notes

In this episode, Mark examines how to use patience as a tool to achieve your business goals. He also looks at the importance of sequencing, how to do things in the right order when it comes to projects or scaling your business as well as recruitment and induction. Getting the sequence right will help you to develop people to the point where the business becomes a whole lot less reliant on you. Finally, Mark looks at how to make sure your ‘value proposition’ is crystal clear.

The Mastermind for Business podcast is powered by Business Accelerator Mastermind, a coaching program that helps service business owners and professionals double their revenue whilst halving their time in the business. Each week, Mark Creedon, a Business Coach at Business Accelerator Mastermind, speaks with some of the best business minds in the world and shares simple, practical steps you can take to create the business you always wanted.

    • Patience is okay if the result is on its way

    • Being bullish vs. stretch goals

    • Nick and his teenage rugby coach’s advice

    • Using a sprint planner

    • Linking your patience to a known goal

    • Staying on track - are you getting closer to your goal?

    • Sequencing - are you doing things in the right order?

    • Case study - research on market pricing

    • Examining and simplifying the sales process

    • Are the right people in place?

    • When and how to put training in place

    • Four requirements around the value of your product or service

    • Recap and takeaways

    • If you know someone who could benefit, share this podcast with them

  • Mastermind Business Accelerator is a hands-on practical program aimed at driving results fast. Spearheaded by Mark and Caroline Creedon and a range of highly qualified experts, the program will give you back the freedom you hoped for when you first started your business or professional practice. With his coaching program, Business Accelerator Mastermind, Mark helps business owners maximise their time, set and achieve goals, while remaining accountable.


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